History of klay tobacco
Klay tobacco was grown in Tumbon Klay Aumpur Thasala Nakhon Si Thammarat Province and were most popular in area that know in quality and have soft line, dark color and famous in taste ,acridly smell and have very drunkenness from property of tobacco is pride with farmer.
At the beginning about one 100 years ago a villagers 7o-80 years old told that when was born they see ancestor were planted Klay tobacco and Klay tobacco was spread in near Tumbon such as Tumbon Sakeaw,Tumbon Kraror. Villagers were planted almost every the household use for smoke with Jag leafs in household and entertain the visitors or neighbor.
It interesting about history of Klay tobacco,because it is product of people in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province.