saving a tobacco leafs

1. Teanya or Yajood is leafs below save stick the soy 5-6 leafs for ripen.
2. Saving the second after save 5-7 day and sweep a sand called Klang orn .
3.Klang kae is saving in third time about 2-3 leafs
4. The top of Klay tobacco it is the best.
Curing a tobacco
1. When saving tobacco leafs and prepare a leafs to group then go to curing.
2.For curing tobacco leafs take a banana leaf lay on ground and put a tobacco and lean with house lid by pick tobacco leafs overlay and alternate 3-4 roll until be finished then use banana leafs close once more for protect sunlight and wind light the pace for cure should ventilates air.
Most framers are curing tobacco leafs on the hut and curing 4-5 night for slice.
Drawwing a tobacco leafs
Now a tobacco leafs have rather color yellow from curing then drawing by handful middle stalk and drawing by pull center of leaf go out until the end of leafs still keep a little the end of tobacco leafs and put overlay that be stack,100 leafs to stack .
Coiling a tobacco leafs
Coiling a tobacco leafs are so big first put a tobacco leafs before coiling then put a drawing tobacco about 5-7 leafs and coiling then bind with a rope.
Slicing tobacco
1.Catch a coiling tobacco leafs with lefts hand and catch a knife with right hand.
2.Right hand push a coiling tobacco leafs softly catch a knife by use a sharp of knife to slice.
Sun the tobacco
1.Arrange the tobacco that slice on wood stall weaves by do not thick or thin.
2.By sun a tobacco with one sunlight and must change on and below then shine upon a dew to one night.
Package of tobacco
Make a tobacco by join face to face to piece and package for sell.
700 to Kilogram
50 to piece
Produce of tobacco is old occupation of population of Tumbon Klay and near area Aumpur Thasala of Nakhon Si Thammarat.This occupation be regarded as folk wisdom that an ancestor created for use in household and sell for money to live
Hello, Tan I'm interesting blog and Step of produce Klay tobacco
ตอบลบsaving a tobacco leafs. Where do Step of Klay tobacco. It is a good thing.