English is fun
Translation 2
วันจันทร์ที่ 28 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554
Dear Abby
Dear Abby
.High School Junior Suffers Loss That Has Yet To Occur
EmailPrint..More from Dear Abby:
Readers Rise Up To Support Subject Of Cosmetic Makeover .
Woman Won't Give Approval To Friend's Destructive Affairs .
Woman Trapped By Memories Must Break Free Of The Past .
Pregnant Teen Needs Worried Friend's Support, Not A Lecture .
More »
About The Author:
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips.
By Abigail Van Buren Abigail Van Buren – Sat Feb 26, 2:16 am ET
DEAR ABBY: I am a junior in high school and will graduate next year. I attend a private school where I have made many good friends -- teachers included -- and have created many happy memories.
I have just been hit with the realization that my time in high school is running out. Once I leave for college, I may never see or talk to my friends here again. I can't process the thought of having such great friends and mentors and losing them. I'm afraid for the future and how I will miss everything I've experienced at my school.
Do you have any suggestions on how to deal with all this? I can barely sleep because I feel like it's only going to get worse. -- LEAVING IT ALL BEHIND IN LOUISIANA
DEAR LEAVING IT ALL BEHIND: You have the rest of your junior year and senior year of high school to enjoy. Please don't cloud them by worrying that you will lose touch with your friends and mentors. Once you graduate, you will have the Internet and social networking sites to keep you in touch, and you can see each other during vacations.
You have great adventures ahead of you -- and so do they. True friendships don't have to end because of distance. While some of them may, others last a lifetime. And those are the ones that count.
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Jeerawan Phetrata second agoI hope you will meet a real good friend I ever a junior in high school I have a good teacher and good friend and bad friends.I so care my friends but they not care me. I have been treacherous with my love friend.But I happy with my best friend and best teacher.
I have advanture in high school about fled a school and go to department store with my love
friend and I think that my advanture is more experience to me .
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554
Leaning Log In Class
In this week we can learn to translate in class. We must have knowledge of grammar. And this week, teachers taught in Tense.
Apspects:การณ์ลักษณะ(มุมมองของผู้พูดที่มีต่อสถานการณ์ เหตุการณ์นั้นๆ เช่น ผู้พูดพูดว่า เสร็จสิ้นแล้ว, กำลังเกิดขึ้น, หรือเกิดขึ้นซ้ำๆ)
1.Progressive aspects
1.1กำลังดำเนินอยู่ เช่น She was sleeping.
1.2เหตุการณ์เกิดขึ้นและจบลงอย่างรวดเร็ว แต่เกิดขึ้นซ้ำๆเช่น The boy hitting my dog.
1.3เหตุการณ์ที่ยังไม่เสร็จสิ้นสมบูรณ์ เช่น I am writing a book on globle warming.
1.4เหตุการณ์ที่เกิดขึ้นชั่วคราว เช่น She is living in London.
2.Perfective aspect
1.เหตุการณ์ที่เกิดขึ้นแล้ว เชื่อมโยงกับเหตุการณ์หรือเวลาภายหลัง
-The thief had run away when the police arrired.
2.เหตุการณ์ที่เกิดขึ้นแล้ว และดำเนินอยู่ถึงปัจจุบัน
-We have lived in Japan since last year.
-I have been to Indain.
4.เหตุการณ์ที่เกิดขึ้นแล้ว และยังส่งผลในปัจจุบัน
-He has cut himself. I have eaten rice.
1.Most people believe that dogs are man's bedt friends.
2.At present the unemployment in Thailand is stands 28 percent.
3.My sister drinks a glass of water everymoning.
4.When I was young, I drank a glass of milk everyday.
5.Nid called me a few days ago.
6.Since Noi quit the job, she has never called me.
7.The government has announced an increase in oil price.
8.A:Lek has been to Japan twice.
B:Yai has gone to the states and will be back.
9.You have been working hard. Now you should rest.
10.While I was waiting for see the docter I read two magazines.
11.When I went into the living room, my husband was waching news.
12.When I went into the living room, my husband had watched the news.
13.Sak had been smoking for give
วันเสาร์ที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554
Food formula Fried crab with curry powder

Thai Food Fried crab with curry powder
• 1 Crab
• 1 egg,
• Onion, cut into short pieces 3 plants
• Kum celery, cut into 2 pieces
• 1 Onion
• 2 red chili
• 2 teaspoons curry powder, pepper powder 1 / 4 tsp,.
• 1 tablespoon of chili paste
• Milk 1 /2 cups
• 2 tablespoons of an oyster sauce
• 1 tablespoon minced of a garlic
• 3 tablespoons oil
How to make
1. Cleaning a crab and is dirty out of the crust, chopped in pieces and set aside to excess of water
2. Mix an egg, milk, a curry, Chili paste to combine.
3. Put oil on the flying pan ,put garlic on pan to smell of fried then put crab, curry powder,egg, oyster sauce and Fried to combine.
4. Put an onions. , celery. , red chilli. , Fried together, put a pepper, Fried enough over again, then turn off the power,drew on a plate.
English lesson Plan page 4

3.1 The students are in pairs and take turns speaking order and request and acting with assembly
3.2 Requested a volunteer or random a students come out speak order and request to perform as a friend.
3.3. students are illustration to order and request.
4.1 Students are present the music and cating that each of groups are new brainstorm.
4.2 Students are take the other voabulary in music or other pictures to present to chart.
4.3Students match a picture and order sentence put on the table’s teacher then to mounted on the board and Check the correct and reading.
5.Wrap up
5.1Play a ”Simon Say” game.
5.2. Students take an exercises to write a sentences follow the prescribed picture.
Learning Materials
2.Bar of order sentense
3.Picture cards and bar of sentence for matching.
4.Work sheet
5.VCD player or DVD player
6. the situation of text labels such as Electric train Station, subway station
Records of the results after learning
1. The results of learning
2. Problems and obstacles
3. suggestion
English lesson Plan page 3

Learning process
1.Warm up
1.1Give students listening music Down and Up again and again and Chlorinated and sing while the students listen to music and teacher are acting.
Down and Up Music
Down and up and clap,lap,clap,
Down and up and clap,lap,clap,
We clap to the left and we clap to the right
Turn around and clap ,clap,clap,(walk,nod,hop,shake…..etc)
1.2 Teachers pointed a vocabulary in the song.Students are pronunciation and made posture or tell the meaning of the the vocabulary.
1.3 Students sing a song and position follow to the teacher.
1.4Each group of students are brainstorm fine the vocabulary in song and think acting or drawing a illustration.
2.1 Teachers speak an imperative sentence ,whole affirmative sentence and negative sentence and students are speak and acting such as
Stand up.Turn left.Turn back.Turn around.Poin to the window.Sit down.
Don’t sleep in the classroom.Don’t eat food in the classroom.Don’tdraw cartoons in the
2.2Teacher are show order and students are reading and conclude a meaning and take note on the book.
2.3Teacher are speaking an order sentence and show a sentence cards and students are repeats follow and acting.
Such as
T:Can/Could you tell me your nickname,please?
S:My nicname is “Tee”
T:Can/Could you clase the window ,please?
S:Yes,I’ll do now.
T:Can/Could I borrow your pen,please?
S:Yes.Here you are.
2.4Teacher are summary Can/Could and please for Shows the politely of request and student are take note on the book.
English lesson Plan page 2

Group of learning Thai language to use a order sentence and request sentence ,group of learning Health and Physical Education design a demeanor,group of learning art to draw picture of command.
1. Ability in community ,sing a song then communicate come out are look and drawing a pictures.
2.Ability in thinking
2.1 Thinking analyse classify of the word.
2.2 Criticize judge by use the reason.
2.3Applied instead of the verb that have just one syllable , think / , have seem the way assembles.
2.4 Think concept manner imagines to follow a sentence that hears and summarize learning
The evidence of learning
Work / Work responsibility
1.Group work writing sing a song assemble look
2.Individual work speaking/ writing/ drowing a pictures/ Look a sentence of the , orders, requests instructions and clarification
3. Individual work write a Imperative sentence , Request affirmative sentence and negative sentence and strurcture of sentence in the book.
English lesson Plan page 1

English Lesson Plan
About : Down and Up Unit 1 about Interpretation and Giving Opinions
subject :English the base 1(english21101) Mathayomsuaksa 1 Time 3 hour
Standard t 1.1 undrestand and construe about listen and read form many kind of media and show a reasonablely thinking.
Indicators M.1/1 practice follow the order and advice and esey to explain that listen and read.
Improtance substance
Ability in used order ,request affirmative sentence and negative sentence that have meaning to oneselft and classmate ,school and close person that correct by pass process of practice language skills language for communication that emphasize practice wich apply listening skills speacking skills reading skills and writing skill be together.Students can apply to use in real day with confident , well-manneredly , correct follow the place and season and a person.
Learning substance
1. Orders, requests and recommendations and denied telling that have meaning to oneself,classmate and intimate person such as
Look at the…../hrer/over there./Say it again/Read and drosw/Put a/
2.Can/Could/Pleasein order sentences such as Please look up the meaning in a dictionarary/
Look up the meaning in a dictionary,please./Can/Could you help me ,please?/Excuse me,could you….?etc.
Vocabulary : clap , hop, shack, turn, borrow
form of affirmative sentence / negative sentence :V1 or V1+Obj+/Don’t+V1 or Don’t+V1 or Don’t+V1+V1+Obj.
Form of order sentence (affirmative sentence ):Please+V1+Obj. or /V1+Obj+please
skill / process
Process of language skills for communication-oriented practice. that integration of listening, speaking, reading and writing together.
1.Have a confident in use languge in communication
2. Use english be well-manneredly , correct follow the place and season and a person.
วันอังคารที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554
Music Dath Clock
Music :Dath Clock (Bodyslam)
ใบไม้มันยังผลัดใบ เปลี่ยนผันตามฤดูกาล
Leaves to shed leaves seasonally shift change.
แต่ชีวิตยังไม่เปลี่ยนไป ยังเหมือนเดิมอย่างนั้น
But life does not chang always the same.
*Hand of clock never tell time.
นานแค่ไหน ก็เหมือนเดิมเสมอ
How long is the same.
ตั้งแต่เราจนในวันนี้ ก็มีเพียงเธอ
Since the day we must part I only have you.
**ยังเก็บรักนั้น อยู่ในหัวใจ เธอจะรู้ไหม ฉันยังคงพร่ำเพ้อ
**To keep that love in my heart you know I I'm still talking nonsense.
หลับตาทุกครั้ง ก็ยังเห็นเพียงแต่เธอ
Close my eyes every time. I still see only you.
ฉันยังคิดถึงเธอเสมอ ไม่เคยจะลบเลือน (เหมือนเดิมไม่เคยเปลี่ยน)
I alway still miss you never delete(as it was not change)
อยากรู้เธอเป็นอย่างไร จากครั้งที่เราแยกทาง
Want to know how about you form we were branch.
อธิษฐานไปอย่างเลื่อนลอย ก็อยากพบเธออีกครั้ง
Wish to absent-mindedly I want to see you again.
English lesson plan
Time : 60 minute Level : Primary 5
1. Students can spelling and tell meaning of vocabulary
2. Students can read and answer the question about situation go to the market.
chicken, strawberries, carrot, cheese, , biscuits,
desert, ice cream ,drinks , pizza,
1.Warm up
1.Teacher teach vocabulary about
-chicken, -strawberries, -carrot, -cheese, , -biscuits,
-desert, - ice cream ,-drinks , -pizza.
2.Teacher tell students to play word Chain Game by students speaking vocabulary that friends speak before and a 1 new of vocabulary.
T : I went to the market. I saw chicken.
S1 : I went to the market. I saw chicken and carrot.
S2 : I went to the market. I saw chicken, carrot and pizza
A teacher gives a student sees a menu in work sheet.
cake 50 Bath
biscuits 30 Bath
sandwich 20 Bath
chicken 70 Bath
carrot 40 Bath
Teacher give work sheet to students and answer the question to students.
T : How many is milk?
Ss : It’s fifty bath.
T : How much are biscuits?
Ss : They’re thirty bath .
T : How much is cake?
Ss : It’s fifty bath
1.Teacher device a student into group work.
2.Students make a Manu by tell price in Bath and present to
in front of a classroom
5.Wrap up
Students and teacher summary a vocabulary.
chicken, strawberries, carrot, cheese, , biscuits,
desert, ice cream ,drinks , pizza,
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554
A verb phrase is a combination of a verb and a particle. The
meaning of some verb phrases can be understood by looking at the verb;
however, others require a little bit of memorization. In addition to this,
some may be separable and others may not.
The verb in this group can help you with the meaning of the verb phrase.
Sandy picks the children up from school.
Noun phrase
A word group with a noun or pronoun as its head. The noun head can be accompanied by modifiers, determiners (such as the, a, her), and/or complements. A noun phrase (often abbreviated as NP) most commonly functions as a subject, object, or complement.
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 30 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554
Step of Klay tobacco
saving a tobacco leafs

1. Teanya or Yajood is leafs below save stick the soy 5-6 leafs for ripen.
2. Saving the second after save 5-7 day and sweep a sand called Klang orn .
3.Klang kae is saving in third time about 2-3 leafs
4. The top of Klay tobacco it is the best.
Curing a tobacco
1. When saving tobacco leafs and prepare a leafs to group then go to curing.
2.For curing tobacco leafs take a banana leaf lay on ground and put a tobacco and lean with house lid by pick tobacco leafs overlay and alternate 3-4 roll until be finished then use banana leafs close once more for protect sunlight and wind light the pace for cure should ventilates air.
Most framers are curing tobacco leafs on the hut and curing 4-5 night for slice.
Drawwing a tobacco leafs
Now a tobacco leafs have rather color yellow from curing then drawing by handful middle stalk and drawing by pull center of leaf go out until the end of leafs still keep a little the end of tobacco leafs and put overlay that be stack,100 leafs to stack .
Coiling a tobacco leafs
Coiling a tobacco leafs are so big first put a tobacco leafs before coiling then put a drawing tobacco about 5-7 leafs and coiling then bind with a rope.
Slicing tobacco
1.Catch a coiling tobacco leafs with lefts hand and catch a knife with right hand.
2.Right hand push a coiling tobacco leafs softly catch a knife by use a sharp of knife to slice.
Sun the tobacco
1.Arrange the tobacco that slice on wood stall weaves by do not thick or thin.
2.By sun a tobacco with one sunlight and must change on and below then shine upon a dew to one night.
Package of tobacco
Make a tobacco by join face to face to piece and package for sell.
700 to Kilogram
50 to piece
Produce of tobacco is old occupation of population of Tumbon Klay and near area Aumpur Thasala of Nakhon Si Thammarat.This occupation be regarded as folk wisdom that an ancestor created for use in household and sell for money to live
Klay Tobacco

History of klay tobacco
Klay tobacco was grown in Tumbon Klay Aumpur Thasala Nakhon Si Thammarat Province and were most popular in area that know in quality and have soft line, dark color and famous in taste ,acridly smell and have very drunkenness from property of tobacco is pride with farmer.
At the beginning about one 100 years ago a villagers 7o-80 years old told that when was born they see ancestor were planted Klay tobacco and Klay tobacco was spread in near Tumbon such as Tumbon Sakeaw,Tumbon Kraror. Villagers were planted almost every the household use for smoke with Jag leafs in household and entertain the visitors or neighbor.
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554
The Beautiful Clock Bantam
Inventory for use
1. Poster paper ,color cream ,red, orange, dark green, light green
2.Latax glue
3.Roll eyes
1.Cut the body with cream poster paper follow model 1 piece and join face to face follow dashed line.
2.Cut the dewlap of chicken goose, crest and mouth follow model that kind to 1 piece and join face to face follow dashed line.
3.Cut inside chicken tail with orange poster paper and cut outside chicken tail with red poster paper follow kind to 2 piece that use keen end of the roundabout cut to a trace join face to face up and down follow dashed line.
4.Cut inside wing with dark green poster paper and cut out side wing with light green follow model kind to 2 piece use keen end of the roundabout cut follow dashed line to trace and join face to face up and down.
วันพุธที่ 26 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554
Leaning Log In Class
In transalation English News have process are we should know sturcture
and use background knowladge.So the sturcture of English News are.....
Transalation Heading English News
such as Exports gai
FCT speeking yen loan in Japan
2.+=v-ed Pเป็นรูปที่ตัดมาจากกริยารูปกรรมวาจก ซึ่งบอกว่าประทานเป็นผู้รับผลของการกระทำ
such as Thai held in Malasia
Govt troop encircled
such as Major cuts in budgrt
Arm catch in Songkhla
4.N+to V.P. i รูป to V.P.เป็นรูปที่ตัดมาจากรูปเดิมของ (is,am,are) to verb ซึ่งบอกว่าเหตุการณ์จะเกิดขึ้น
such as New fund ton ease lone problem
Cement export to begin this mount
This maintion above is knowladge from translstion News with me and every body.I thing that translation is improtant in learning language and we can devolop various skills.
January 3 at the Government House Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva Prime Minister get be interviewed to proceeding policy that relation international between Thailand-Cambodia ,that the important of aim is did not want to saw the tension between two country, which the way that Thailand presented were did not gave about world heritage came to a problem ,by he has consulted with the Cambodia, that will give the responsible man come to talk for do not heritage world knot is conflict ,How get? Which Mr.Sungann ,Deputy Prime Minister and Cabinet Minister Permanent Prime Minister of Cambodia office will come to meet Mr.Suwit Khunkitti ,Cabinet Minister of the resource of the nature and the environment on this January.
Prime Minister has told that we hope that at least will have the progress do not want to get in trouble of tension in the heritage world committee meeting in this June and he still no meeting with Majesty Hunzen Prime Minister of Cambodia at this period ,but we were sure to meet in the meeting of Asian.
Mr.Suthaep Thuengsuban Deputy Prime Faction Stability Minister was mention Cambodia be dissatisfied Thai Government move committee border meditation shares Thai-Cambodia (JBC) go out several times that must explain to Cambodia understand in result ,in order that, while Mr Sungan Deputy Prime Minister of Cambodia will come to meet and consult with Mr.Suwit Khunkiti in issue world heritage still unfinished he will be speak with Mr.Songann about distribution the border, because remedy a problem is nothing better than speaking.
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554
เพลง คืนใจให้กัน
Music: Return the mind
Artist: Tukkatan Choolada
Words of a song
What was happened with we love?
This good in the old day , long ago is very lessen.
Like don’t care , how I am feel he not interested.
Try asked the heart ,Are you still love me ?
A little finger has ever to hook always , saw saw you.
pretend hold the things is busy.
The time walk together ,you are walks far me like would not to get close.
You make me can feel that you associate me with word endure .
*If love then make an effort , as a result return the heart .
Tell the thing that you want come out time.
If you think we are not sure, as a result don’t live because care a word of person.
If love travel the end of the road , otherwise we must terminate the relationship.
**Wait the answer that you keeps, when ready to go.
Help explain with me, when?
that your heart begin have not ,everything happen because me .
Or you are that change your mind.
Since you hart start no together.
Everything happen because me or that you.....are chang your mind.
ศิลปิน :ตักแตน ชลดา
เหมือนไม่แคร์กัน ฉันรู้สึกยังไงก็ช่าง
ลองถามหัวใจดูบ้าง ว่ายังรักกันอยู่มั้ย
เธอทำให้ฉันเหมือนรู้สึกได้ ว่าคยฉันไปด้วยคำว่า ทน
*ถ้ารักกันไปแล้วฝืน ก็คืนหัวใจให้กัน
หากคิดว่าเราไม่ใช่ ก็อย่าอยู่ไปเพราะแคร์คำคน
หากรักเดินทางมาสุดถนน งั้นเราสองคนคงต้องเลิกกัน
ทุกอย่างเกิดขึ้นเพราะฉัน หรือเธอนั้นเป็นคนเปลี่ยนใจ
ทุกอย่างเกิดขึ้นเพราะฉัน หรือเธอนั้น...เป็นคนเปลี่ยนใจ
วันจันทร์ที่ 27 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553
Leaning Log In Class
if clause sentence.This follow sentence are
ถ้าฉันถูกล็อตเตอร์รี่ ฉันก็จะรวยแล้ว
1.If I have won lottary I would be rice.
ถ้าฉันอ่านหนังสือเมื่อคืนนี้ วันนี้ฉันคงเรียนIf clause แบบผสมรู้เรื่อง
2.If i had read a book last night,I might understand the contents of mixed.
ถ้าจิมรัยข้อความที่ฉันฝากไว้ให้เขาเมื่อชั่วโมงที่แล้ว เขาคงรอพบฉันอยู่แล้วตอนนี้
3.If Jim recived the massage that I left Jim a hourse ago,he is waiting for me now.
4. Tom were rich ,he would have bought a new car.
Leaning Log In Class
If Clause หรือ Condition Clause หมายถึงประโยคที่แสดงหรือกำหนดเงื่อนไข ขึ้นในเวลาที่่ต่างๆ กัน แต่เวลาที่พูดนั้นเกิดขึ้นในขณะปัจจุบันรูปกริยาที่ต่างกันใน If-clauseเป็นเพียงตัวบ่งให้ทราบว่าเป็น เงื่อนไขแบบใดเท่านั้น
ประโยค If-clause (ประโยคเงื่่อนไข) จะประกอบด้วย
1. ส่วนที่เป็นเงื่อนไข (If Clause)
2. ส่วนที่เป็นข้อความหลัก (Main Clause)
1. If-clause แบบที่1 ใช้สมมุติในสิ่งที่เป็นไปได้และเป็นจริง ประโยค if-clause เป็น present simple ประโยค main-clause จะเป็น future simple
# if-clause ==> v.1
# main-clause ==> will, shall, can, may + v.1
If Cluase + future tense
- If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we will have a picnic.
- I will be able to do this exercise if I try.
# ถ้าเป็นความจริงเสมอ main-clause ให้ใช้ present simple
- If the ice falls into the water, it floats.
# กริยาใน main-clause เป็นคำสั่ง หรือ ขอร้อง ให้ใช้ present simple
- If the teacher asks you, tell him the truth. (คำสั่ง)
- If you leave, please turn out the light. (ขอร้อง)
# If-clause แบบที่1นี้ สามารถใช้ should แทน if ได้
- Should he refuse to leave, telephone Mr. John.
- If he refuse to leave, telephone Mr. John.
# unless = if not; ประโยคหลัง unless จะเป็นประโยคบอกเล่า ไม่อย่างนั้นจะเป็นปฏิเสธซ้อนปฏิเสธ
- Malee will not come unless she has time.
- Malee will not come if she has no time.
2. If-clause แบบที่2 ใช้สมมุติในสิ่งที่ไม่น่าจะเป็นไปได้หรือไม่เป็นจริงในปัจจุบัน ประโยค if-clause เป็น past simple ประโยค main-clause จะเป็น future in the past หรือ conditional tense
# if-clause ==> v.2
# main-clause ==> would, should, could, might + v.1
- If I had more time, I would read more books. [ขณะปัจจุบันนี้ไม่มีเวลามากพอ]
- If I were you, I would not let him say such things. [ใช้ were กับทุกบุรุษ ไม่ใช้ was]
# เราสามารถละ if โดยเอากริยาช่วย were ในประโยค if-clause มาไว้หน้าประโยคแทน
- If he were to leave (If he left) )today, he would be there by Friday.
-Were he to leave today, he would be there by Friday.
3. If-clause แบบที่3 ใช้สมมตุในสิ่งที่เป็นไปไม่ได้เลย หรือตรงกันข้ามกับความจริงในอดีต ประโยค if-clause เป็น past perfect ประโยค main-clause จะเป็น future perfect in the past หรือ perfect conditional
# if-clause ==> had + v.3
# main-clause ==> would, should, could, might + have + v.3
- If I had had her e-mail address, I would have written to her.
# ถ้าเป็นเหตุการณ์ในอดีตกับปัจจุบันสังเกตจาก now ให้เปลี่ยน Tense ใน main-clause จาก would have + v.3 เป็น would + v.1
- If there had been no floods last year, the crop would be better now.
# เราสามารถละ if โดยเอากริยาช่วย had ในประโยค if-clause มาไว้หน้าประโยคแทน
- If I had known that, I would have lent you mine.
-Had I known that, I would have lent you mine.
*หมายเหตุ: นอกจากคำว่า if แล้ว ยังมีคำอื่นๆที่ใช้ในประโยคเงื่อนไข
a) suppose หรือ supposing = สมมุติว่า
b) on condition that หรือ on the condition that = โดยมีเงื่อนไขว่า
c) so long as หรือ as long as = ถ้า, ตราบใดที่
d) what if = สมมุติว่า
learning out class

A snack and humanitarian farmer
On morning in winter it so cool and the farmer go to farm.
เช้าวันหนึ่งในฤดูหนาว อากาศหนาวเย็นจัด ชาวนาผู้หนึ่งได้ออกจากบ้านไปทำนาตามปกติ
Among falling rain a framer were met the weather is cold. Farmers have found a snake curled into a solid sleep because of cold.
ในท่ามกลางสายฝนอากาศอันหนาวเย็นนั้น ชาวนาได้พบงูเห่าตัวหนึ่งนอนขดตัวแข็งอยู่เพราะความหนาว
Then a farmer evanesce catch a snack and hold for warm form a farmer and
Pat a body of snack.
ดังนั้นชาวนาจึงค่อยๆ จับงูเห่าตัวนั้นขึ้นมาอุ้มไว้ เพื่อให้มันได้รับความอบอุ่นจากตัวของชาวนาเอง
For a snack loosen the cold not long a snack is relax slow and can movement.
เพื่อให้งูเห่าคลายความหนาวลง ไม่นานนักที่ชาวนาลูบไล้ไปมาบนตัวงูเห่าความอบอุ่นจากมือของชาวนา
ช่วยให้งูเห่าตัวนั้นค่อยๆ เคลื่อนไหวได้ ในที่สุดเมื่องูเห่าตัวนั้นเคลื่อนไหวได้ตามปกติ
It snatch on arm of a farmer, a farmer cry with pain and wilt to die.
มันก็ฉกกัดเข้าที่แขนของชาวนาทันที ชาวนาผู้นั้นร้องขึ้นด้วยความเจ็บปวดและล้มลงสิ้นใจตายอยู่ตรงนั้นเอง
Before the farmer die he said “ Merit with the beast Tend to harm with us ”
ก่อนตายชาวนาผู้นั้นได้ร้องรำพันออกมาว่า “ทำคุณแก่สัตว์ร้ายมักจะให้โทษแก่เราอย่างนี้แหละหนอ”
นิทานเรื่องนี้สอนให้รู้ว่า : อย่าหวังความกตัญญูจากการช่วยเหลือคนอกตัญญู
The Fairy tale story teach : Don't expect gratitude from help those ungrateful.
Simple S+V.1
Present Continuous S+ V. to be +V.ing
Perfect S+ has/have+V.3
Perfect Continuous S+ has/have +been+ V.ing
Simple S+V.2
Past Continuous S+ was/were +V.ing
Perfect S+ had+V.3
Perfect Continuous S+ had+ been+ V.ing
Simple S+ will/shall/be going to+ V.1
Continuous S+ will/shall+ be+ V.ing
Future Perfect S+ will/shall+ have+V.3
Perfect Continuous S+ will/shall+ have+ been+ V.ing
Leaning Log In Class
In class we can learn can and could I have more knowladge about how to use can and could.
Can is an auxiliary verb, a modal auxiliary verb. We use can to:
• talk about possibility and ability
• make requests
• ask for or give permission
Structure: Subject + can + main verb
Use of Can
Can: Possibility and Ability
We use can to talk about what is possible, what we are able or free to do:
• She can drive a car.
• John can speak Spanish.
• I cannot hear you. (I can't hear you.)
• Can you hear me?
Can: Requests and Orders
We often use can in a question to ask somebody to do something. This is not a real question - we do not really want to know if the person is able to do something, we want them to do it! The use of can in this way is informal (mainly between friends and family):
• Can you make a cup of coffee, please.
• Can you put the TV on.
• Can you come here a minute.
• Can you be quiet!
Can: Permission
We sometimes use can to ask or give permission for something:
A. Can I smoke in this room?
B. You can't smoke here, but you can smoke in the garden.
(Note that we also use could, may, might for permission. The use of can for permission is informal.)
Could is an auxiliary verb, a modal auxiliary verb. We use could to:
• talk about past possibility or ability
• make requests
Structure of Could: Subject + could + main verb
Use of Could
Could: Past Possibility or Ability
We use could to talk about what was possible in the past, what we were able or free to do:
• I could swim when I was 5 years old.
• My grandmother could speak seven languages.
• When we arrived home, we could not open the door. (...couldn't open the door.)
• Could you understand what he was saying?
Could: Requests
We often use could in a question to ask somebody to do something. The use of could in this way is fairly polite (formal):
• Could you tell me where the bank is, please?
• Could you send me a catalogue, please?
Leaning Log In Class
I can search modality in online there are
1.EducationMultimedia learning
2.HumanitiesIn law: the basis of legal argumentation in United States constitutional law
In law: the basis of legal argumentation in United States constitutionallaw
In theology: Modality (theology): the organization and structure of the church, as distinct from sodality or parachurch organizations
In music, the subject concerning certain diatonic scales known as musical modes (e.g., Ionian)
In sociology, Modalities (sociology) is a concept in Anthony Giddens structuration theory
Modality(semiotics), the channel by which signs are transmitted (oral, gesture, written)
Linguistic modality, covering expressions of how the world might be and should be. This includes expressions of necessity, permissibility and probability, and negations of these
Sensory modality or Stimulus modality, a type of physical phenomenon that one can sense, such as temperature and sound
In psychotherapy, a method of therapeutic approach
In medical imaging, any of the various types of equipment or probes used to acquire images of the body, such as radiography, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging
Science and technology
Transportation modality, a mode of transport
modal logic, a form of logic which distinguishes between (logically) "necessary truths" and "contingent truths". Related topics include possibility, impossibility, actuality, and related predicates
modality (human-computer interaction), a path of communication between the human and the computer, such as vision or touch
วันจันทร์ที่ 13 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553
learning log in class
First week I understand for teacher explaned to me and I will follow my teacher and obey and I will be a good student.